
Jason and Noelia's Story

24 Jun 2024

Baby Gabriella’s guiding light for the Salvo family

For parents Jason and Noelia Salvo, the decision to open a cafe and name it in honour of their gorgeous daughter Gabriella was one met with happiness, but also sadness.

In May 2020, Jason and Noelia were faced with the heartbreak of their beautiful baby Gabriella being stillborn.

“Gabriella was beautiful and we will always cherish the moments we had with her shortly after she was born. We held her, kissed her, and our hearts filled with love for her.

Not a day goes by that we don’t think about Gabriella and dream of a life shared with her. Our hearts are still broken as there will always be a missing part of our little family,” says Jason.

Shortly after the passing of his darling daughter, Jason pursued his lifelong dream of opening his own cafe. The inspiration and guiding light behind the name: Gabriella.

While two years of pandemic lockdowns and council delays meant a delay to the official opening of Gabriella’s at the Grove in January 2022, homage to the year Gabriella was born can be seen on the front of the cafe: Est 2020.

With a powerful meaning behind her name (god is my strength), the name Gabriella also holds a special place for Jason and Noelia – it’s the girl’s name both parents love and the meaning so fitting that Gabriella’s at the Grove was born.

“It makes us feel that she is with us every day. I am inspired to go to work and strive to improve business each day in Gabriella’s honour,” says Jason.

“We recently won the outstanding cafe category in the local business awards and my speech (shared on our Instagram) really outlines what Gabriella and this business means to us.

“We also wanted to highlight to our family, friends and our community that our daughter is and will always be a part of our family and story even though her life was so short.

“It is so beautiful to hear so many locals say her name out loud when referring to our business and for this to be a cafe that families, especially many children, enjoy coming to,” says Jason.

Gabriella’s presence is felt in the passion that Jason brings each day for his customers. It’s also this same passion that drives both Noelia and Jason to hold yearly fundraisers for Red Nose.

“We were supported by Red Nose from the moment our darling passed away. For any parent, losing a baby unexpectedly and experiencing the grief many months and years after the loss can be challenging and heartbreaking,” Jason says.

“Foundations such as Red Nose offer families, such as ours, invaluable support and resources when trying to navigate one of the hardest journeys. We vowed that as parents and with the added platform of our local business, we would give back and help Red Nose support other families and the fight against preventing infancy loss,” says Jason.

Holding the first fundraiser for pregnancy and infancy loss (PAIL) week at the cafe in October 2022, the Salvo family have raised much needed funds for Red Nose during PAIL week, with 2023’s fundraiser being one of the biggest they’ve seen raising over $14,000. What started off as an idea to hold a small fundraiser has turned into a successful yearly fundraiser with growing support and involvement from many other local businesses and individuals who not only want to donate, but also contribute their time and products to help make the day a tremendous success.

Noelia reflects on the community spirit that has come together for the annual Red Nose fundraiser.

“We’ve had the local soccer club set up a sausage sizzle, the local childcare centre donate their staff on the day, countless sweets and cakes are donated to be sold, children’s entertainers such as face painters, jumping castles and balloons take part on the day, musicians perform on the day… and this is all donated time and all volunteered. Not to mention the enormous numbers of people that come on the day to do their part and donate,” says Noelia.

“We’ve learnt, it takes one business to initiate a fundraiser day but a whole tribe to make it happen. The whole community has stood behind us and it is because of this unbelievable support that the day is such a success and gets bigger each year,” says Noelia.

Recently, the Salvo family kicked more fundraising goals again with an Under 10’s mixed soccer competition appropriately called The Gabriella Cup, which was held on Sunday 23 June at Poulton Park in South Hurstville, NSW.

The Salvo family’s advice to any business wanting to support or hold a fundraiser for Red Nose Day:

“Do it! Don’t hesitate! Whether you’re motivated by your own story, a family or friends’ story, or want to get behind a charity that is close to the hearts of so many families affected by infant loss, you will help the fight against infant loss and make a difference.”

The free Red Nose Support Line is available 24/7: 1300 308 307.

Red Nose Day aims to raise $1 million this year, to help save little lives and support grieving families. To register or donate visit

Help families who have experienced a miscarraige by creating your own fundraiser for Red Nose Day today.

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